Dec 04, 2003 22:45
this is the first little telling part. not finsihed yet. i always start these off in this manner and then expand. i kind of like what i have so far. but there's a lot of work that needs to be done before my "super special" writing workshop on tuesday. i say special becaue only i and one other person are having it done and it was our choice. the class will spend 30 min critiquing my work (which needless to say should be tres amusing)it's very raw right now, but whatever. here we go:
There are monsters that live inside all of us. They torment our spirits and take advantage of our frailties. They rake their claws over our souls and devour our confidence. They feed on us. On the surface we appear unchanged, but if our friends could see inside of us, their eyes would shut tight with horror. In feeding, they grow and become stronger until we cannot hold them back any longer. I can remember when I exploded.
Love is a passionate and magnificent thing too frequently referred to what makes the world go ‘round. If everything in this world has a dark and evil opposite, love is the vilest and most treacherous because it’s wicked twin is itself. That’s what makes it the hardest to see as it tears us to shreds from the inside out. Everyone falls in love; once or twice at least and we all forget that we have to hit the ground sometime. But preventing it is futile because we all dream of falling. We desire the trip down and never the end. I didn’t know this before. I thought that there was always a way to avoid learning the hard way. I believed in prevention. I had seen people fall, get the wind knocked out of them, moan and wail for a while, climb another mountain and jump again. A repeated process that always seemed to end in pain. The pain was not important. The discovery was. There is an amazing beauty in the cycle. We mature and grow stronger defenses against monsters that wish to consume us each time around. Our desire of the feel of falling is what keeps us jumping. We eventually begin to understand that love has to end, no matter how endless it seems sometimes.
dot dot dot and that's the bit i wrote in class today.