Jul 21, 2010 17:28
i don't what started the conversation, but it ended up with me asking a hypothetical question. "So if I was diagnosed with breast cancer and the doctor said I had to have a double mastectomy to save my life, you would leave me?" This being the result of several discussions on that fact that I refuse to get fake boobs. The cock sucking scumbag actually said yes, because he doesn't want to be married to someone who looks like a dude. I told him it's not like I'm getting a dick installed, and he said he didn't care. I am not defined by what hangs off my chest, but apparently I am to him. I can't wait until my dad gets into town tomorrow evening. I'm going to call him and see if he can help me move to another state. I know there are opportunities for me here, but this state holds such a string of bad memories for me that I'd be better off somewhere else.