Jun 02, 2009 22:50
- 00:12 I need to get my EMA so I can go to La Senza laa. Cutecutecute underwear in there atm. #
- 00:38 @ blackmagickxx I'm loving it <333 it'll prolly start raining in a few days and pour down for weeks though =/ can't trust this weather haha #
- 01:12 @ blackmagickxx I'm planning to! Lolz we've already had like four BBQs =D &I got out my summer shoes from the back of the wardrobe haha #
- 01:13 Atchoo, atchoo, atchoo. Kthnx pollen, I know you're there. STOPPIT. #
- 01:29 @ blackmagickxx I'm sorry =[ I checked the forecast and it's going to rain on saturday D= IT'S ALL MY FAULT! Haha =/ #
- 11:59 So tired. Had a dream I was in Torchwood =/ need to get up and do cake but I can hear some random guy's in the kitchen. About the new one? #
- 13:20 My nan's set a date for the kitchen! Yessss. I'm excited =D It's going to be gorgeous. #
- 13:29 There was an Aisling on that plane that's gone missing 0.o! #
- 14:00 I'm like so confused by Google Sketchup. It's easy and impossible at the same time. Argh. Thought it might make the cake planning easier. #
- 16:42 It's too damn hot. I'm trying to decorate my cake and the fondant is just like, MELTING. #
- 16:46 ...Plus the heat is making me impatient. If I'm not careful this could end up on @cakewrecks and none of us want that, do we? DO WE!? =/ #
- 19:19 @ cakewrecks as much as I'd HATE to disappoint all those people, it's coming along ok so far. Ah well, there's always next time... #
- 19:21 cakecakecakecakecakecakecakecakecake... I smell like sugar. It's looking ok, this thing. #
- 21:00 Urgh. #
That`s all for today =]