So am I racist or is she colourblind?

Mar 13, 2013 11:41

OK. Homeland time.
(I recently had a Homeland/Silmarillion crossover dream. BRAIN, SRSLY.)

So we watched Episode I/7 (yes, we've only now started, shut up). Which has the big cliffhanger question towards the end when Aileen describes the man who's been on the roof, and now the big question is WAS IT BRODY, WELL, WAS IT?

It turns out, rather sooner than I expected, that it wasn't Brody. (Seriously, when they started showing the series on TV here, the accolades all went "AND YOU NEVER KNOW WHOM TO TRUST UNTIL THE END". And I never got that, because right from the start I trusted Brody, and thought Carrie was barking up the wrong tree. -- Anyway.) In hindsight, however, it makes no sense in that particular scene that it could ever have been Brody, does it?
I mean, look. Aileen is describing the man who was on the roof to some composite sketch guy, right? And you see him working on the eyes of the suspect, in a very specific form (which might or might not match that of Brody's eyes). But later on when they show her actual photos, she immediately identifies... Walker.

So... Aileen can give a detailed description of the guy's face, but for some reason failed to notice his skin colour Y/N?


Or are we at a stage where it would be politically incorrect to even mention someone's skin colour?

(But then, it wouldn't even make sense if Walker happened to be white. The "other suspect", Brody, is RATHER TALL AND HAS DARK RED HAIR, it's not like you wouldn't notice THAT, either. Walker is, from all we've seen, of normal height and has a roundish face and roundish eyes, not at all like Brody's longish, angular face. There's NOTHING to confuse about those two, is there?)

I mean, I understand why they tried to do that, and that scene in which you really didn't know whether it was Brody who'd get framed by Aileen was very suspenseful and exciting, yes.
But on hindsight, I feel a bit let down, because... well. If you described a guy you'd seen to the police or the freaking FBI, wouldn't you mention skin colour and hair colour and all these things? I mean, let's put ourselves in Aileen's place. First you describe the suspect. Then they show you a picture of a guy who looks pretty much the opposite of what you've described. "Is that the man you've seen on your roof, Ms. Morgan?" WHY YES, THIS RED-HAIRED GIANT LOOKS JUST LIKE THE AVERAGE-HEIGHT BLACK MAN I'VE DESCRIBED TO YOU JUST NOW I SEE YOU'VE BEEN LISTENING VERY CLOSELY.


I actually enjoy Homeland so far, but that... was kinda cheap. :P
And I'm still wondering whether I'm missing something, or whether it really isn't nearly as ambiguous as all the articles claimed. *headscratch*

tv, ranting

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