discovered via
Akinator the web genie.
It asks you questions you can answer with "Yes", "No", "Don't know", "Probably" and "Probably Not" and tries to figure out what character or real person you're thinking about.
As it asks you for a nickname first, I was suspecting it might use some sort of search function in the background to find any connections between said nickname and any real or imaginary characters, so I deliberately chose a character I don't like and haven't so far written about (aside from a throwaway mention and heated discussion on deviantArt, as I remember NOW) - Eöl the Asshole Dark Elf.
Akinator first guessed that I was thinking about Fëanor, WHICH I RESENT although ok, I admit the two have a couple of things in common (particularly, stuff it asked me in the first round: Is your character male, Is he from the works of J.R.R. Tolkien [YOU KNOW ME WELL, AKINATOR], Does he wear shoes, Is he some kind of elf, Does he have at least one famous son, Does he die a tragic death, I can see how this would be misleading. And I'm thinking about Fëanor most of the time anyway. -- In its second attempt, though, it arrived at the conclusion that I was thinking about Sarek, and if I ever knew who that is, I forgot it since. So either no secret search function, or someone with a fandom handle similar to mine is writing Star Trek fic, which is reasonably possible, of course. - In its third attempt it guessed Beren Ercharmion.
SO I STUMPED THE WEB GENIE. Hurrah. It doesn't really seem to recall much of previous answers, or he'd have been ruled out by the "elf" question earlier; besides, it also asked whether my character was a girl when I'd already said YES to "male", from ASoIaF when I'd already said YES to "works of Tolkien", from Animé in spite of the previous answer, etc. In conclusion, I have no idea just how it works, but it's clearly quite effective with many people.
Later on I played again, thinking of a real person for a change, namely,
dawn_felagund (I'm sorry, you were the first BNF that came to my mind!).
It guessed "A teacher".
Fair enough XD
Anyway, fun. So if you're bored or want to challenge it...