Just this Friday I was talking about exam nightmares with
vout, and I said (truthfully) that I still had nightmares about my Abitur exams.
Well, this night I had my first Magistra nightmare!
It must have been one of those dreams that somehow anticipate the coming week and try to prepare you for it. Not that I am going to take any exams this week: But I finally signed up for Prof. N.'s office hour to beg ask her to do my literature exam stuff even though I never actually took any of her classes (well, not quite true: I did a class on Medieval English drama waaaay back, and I'm sitting through her "Gothic Shakespeare" seminar now; but I didn't take any exam-relevant classes, nor write any papers for her) and my topics are only marginally related to her foci, but hey!
In my dream, on the other hand, it was already May next year and I went to take the written exam - without ever having spoken to her about the topic. And I only remembered that I should discuss the topic with her about five minutes before taking the exam.
Thank you, subconscious. Now I am scared of the mere office hour.
At this point I still believe that signing up for the exam is harder than taking the exam. Of course I'm certain I'll think otherwise in half a year.