There are new developments on the construction site and around, but I am le tired. Also my shoulders and their connection to other important parts of my body hurt viciously for no discernible reason. Pain is much like after the pickaxe incident, except after the pickaxe incident I damn well knew why it was there, whereas now it is pretty random. Why, body? Why are you being a traitor when you know I can't not work physically? Because the cobbling has to be finished by next week. And cobbling is surprisingly hard, not difficulty-wise but strength-wise. Bah.
In other words, I need something to distract myself. Perfect time for a meme! Preferably one that doesn't take much of an effort.
Stolen from
apocalypsos and
The Icon Expression Meme
oloriel .happy..sad..angry..scared.
.hurt..guilty..bored..laughing. love.
Snag yourself the coding
Whee, that was fun! And not so easy after all, but I managed by limiting myself to icons that had faces or at least stick figures, not just text, except with the favourites. Which is why I included the extra four favourites, because how could I decide for just four anyway? (I have way too many icons, yet I cannot decide to throw any of them out. On the contrary, I keep amassing more. Also, the number of Tolkien-related icons I have is terrifying. Valar, I am so obsessed.)
Other random thoughts: Considering that this is originally a "character emotion meme", based (likely) on that drawing exercise where you're supposed to draw the face of your main character showing the respective emotion/expression, the choice of "emotions" is surprisingly limited on the one hand (where, for example, is "mildly amused"? "thoughtful"? Instead we get "angry" and "rage" seperately, wtf?) and annoyingly redundant on the other (for example, while I am aware that not every "laugh" is a happy one, it is likely that a "laughing" expression will have so much in common with a "happy" expression that it is almost pointless to seperate the two, unless one has as insanely many icons as I do. Not that I wouldn't be impressed by any artist being able to capture the difference between "genuinely happy" and "just laughing"). Also, if the great majority of slots (except for the "favourite" option) are given as adjectives, why exactly are "rage" and "pride" and "sympathy" used in their incarnation as nouns? I mean, what's wrong with "enraged" and "proud" and "sympathetic", respectively? Yes, this kind of inconsistency bothers me. It is Not Necessary and Bad Style, and if I as a non-native speaker notice, certainly a native speaker shouldn't be a-doing it.
... anyway. This still was fun.