So, I haven't been posting in a while. I'm all right though. Last week I just got caught up in a mixture of the general November mood and the Ring*Con blues and a feeling of being overtaxed with everything.
Everybody seems to be having a bad time at the moment, no? When I look around on my friends list or among my offline friends, they all seem to be struggling with things. It's strange that this bad mood seems to have gripped so many people at once. In a twisted way, it's reassuring to see that it isn't just me feeling emo and stupid, but pretty much everybody - solamen est miseris socios habuisse malorum - and in an equally twisted way, it makes me a bit impatient with the people who seem to be habitually depressed. It's unjust - I'm sure they are having just as hard a time as everybody - but it somehow feels as though the people who are emo 24/7/365 have to take a backseat behind those who are feeling bad just for a while. Sue me. (Especially for using the word "seem" four times in four sentences.)
That's one of the reasons why I haven't been at DF since I returned from Ring*Con. It's kind of sad because I really used to be addicted to the game, but most of it is OOC or wank nowadays anyway, and everything is so predictable, it's just no fun anymore. I guess I'll return when NaNo is over, or possibly the Christmas stress that's slowly beginning to set in.
Speaking of NaNo, I didn't manage to get anything at all written the whole of last week. Some unmotivated typing during the last few days took me from 18k to 22k. I think I can safely say that I won't manage to reach 50k by the end of next week. Well, shit.
I kind of got out of my lousy empty mood through the most unlikely thing imaginable: My dreaded presentation on guânxì networks in communist China. I had to plough through the book of 350 pages, condense it into a 30 minute presentation, and include this and that and this and that and this and that at the professor's wish. That ruined most of last weekend, but after I did the presentation, two of my co-students came to tell me that they really enjoyed it because it was "well-prepared and well-presented, which is rare". Hah! The professor said I should've included more historical background, which I know - I kept it short on purpose, being too lazy to read through an endless account on Mao worship - but I explained it with the lack of time (I used 40 minutes instead of 30 anyway) and he bought that. That took a bit of a load off my shoulders, apparently. (The load was promptly returned by the work on the project for the Museum seminar, but I have kind of been postponing this for the moment.)
Instead of writing, I started working on an idea for a fandom-ish Christmas card - or maybe it's just the "Christmas" prompt for fanart_100 (DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO COME UP WITH A CHRISTMAS PROMPT FOR THE HOUSE OF FINWЁ?!). Just drawing again resulted in a bout of over-motivation. I feel kind of sad for not having prepared a Christmas calendar for the coming weeks; I love it when people (like
juno_magic or
nimielle) do that, because it's so much better than the boring chocolate ones and nobody makes me a more interesting one. I have decided to go for a compromise, though: I won't manage to do something every day, but there are the four advent Sundays, and I'll do something special then at least. Yesh.
I was at IKEA with
fuchs and
shiverdl on Tuesday. I think the thing that made me the most happy about that was that they were offering "blåbärs paj" at the restaurant. Not because I like blueberry pie so much, even though it was tasty. No. Because I could see from this that the English word pie obviously originated in the Skandinavian, i.e. came to England during the viking invasions.
I'm such a pathetic geek. :D
I may have to return to IKEA this Friday when my tyrannic seminar partner releases me and, you know, I actually have money. (I got paid Christmas money by the company. zome yes. -
fuchs: Shall we give it another try? Though it would be after 5 pm.)
Today it was my turn to clean up. Figures that today was also the day the kittens decided to stay out and run around madly in the pouring rain and then run through the flat leaving hundreds of muddly little paw prints. Honestly, if I didn't love those two so much...
Today, the postman brought the amazon parcel with my brother's birthday gift in it. (As my brother's birthday is today, that was not a moment too early.) Amusingly enough, the postman looked a lot like Alan Tudyk with a headset. That is amusing because my brother is getting the Firefly DVDs for his birthday.
Now, I go back to painting. Or maybe sifting through the Ring*Con photos and finally write that report. Or both. We'll see.
(PS: What browser do Palantíri run with?
< /unfunny injoke>)