033 'cause i love my crossovers, and i'm almost at seven!! 6/7

Mar 28, 2009 19:41

Title: The Parable of the Apple Seed
Fandoms: Battlestar Galactica (2003)/Dollhouse (... nothing like a pattern...)
Words: 643
Pairing: Leoben/Echo
Rating: R, for a solid paragraph of smut *high fives air*
Summary: Written for bsg_pornbattle; prompt was 'infiltration.' Which... I... meandered from some. But that was totally what I started with and--- oh, screw it, it's done. :P In which creeper!Leoben is a creeper.

“Do you believe in- what is your name?” His eyes are blue; she likes them. Blue is a calming color.

“My name is Echo.”

He smiles faintly, looks down at his hands before looking back up at her. “Do you believe in destiny, Echo?”

She doesn’t know what the word means, though she thinks perhaps she has heard it before. “I… don’t know.” Her brow knots together slightly as she tries to puzzle out the question.

“That’s a very fine answer, Echo. Now let’s get you home.”

Home turns out to be located in the mountains, which are green and not snowy and have windy roads. It takes them some time to get there from the place with the tall gray buildings, but Echo doesn’t know how much. They stop at a roadside stand and he buys her a paper bag full of apples colored pink and yellow. Their size and shape transfixes Echo until he reminds her gently that even beautiful things have their purpose, and the purpose of apples is to be eaten.

When the apple has disappeared and all that is left are the seeds, he tells her about those too. How seeds can be planted and with care can grow into trees, from which hundreds of more apples can come. He teaches her about the destiny of a seed.

In the days that follow, he continues to teach her, to tell her answers to questions she would never have thought to ask. She now knows where the sun goes at night, why some apples are green and some apples are red, and that every person is made equal by God and with his own destiny. She can think about tomorrow, wonder about its exciting mysteries.

He is her guide, and she quickly realizes that they are friends. When he sees her in the morning, he smiles, and she always smiles back, eager to know what they are doing that day.

One day (it has been weeks since he took her from the Dollhouse, but she has not begun to count days in succession, so to Echo, a day is a week is a month is a year) she looks at him from across the breakfast table. It is a small, roughly hewn thing that he made with his own hands, but it is sturdy and will outlast them both in years. “Leoben, do you know my destiny?”

It is the question he has been hoping she will ask since the day they met. He has told her the way a creature’s destiny determines everything they do, even how they breathe. He shuts his eyes for a moment, trying to muster the correct answers to her question.

When he shuts his eyes, he sees wonderful things and hears music that lifts him up to God. He sees her strong and sure. They will stand side by side in the day, and lie together at night. Her voice will whisper words of rapture and love when he enters her for the first time, and when she comes for the first time that night, she will begin to see their futures together as clearly as he does. Together, they will watch the sun rise above the trees and mountaintops from his bedroom window, and in a quiet, tender voice Echo will thank him for everything he has done to make sure they have each other forever.

He opens his eyes and the perfect vision fades, but his lips wear the thin smile of a weary traveler. “Your destiny is a thing of holy wonder, my Echo. When you reach your Zion, you will know, for you will be born anew.” Echo tilts her head and mulls his words for a moment before she begins to smile back. One day her eyes will open. Until that day, a teacher’s work is never done.

bsg_pornbattle, pairing: leoben/echo, fandom: bsg, r-rated, fandom: dollhouse

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