035 this is actually not fic. what a punk am i!

Mar 29, 2009 22:12

BSG_PornBattle; ologyist's Personal Recap

Let's see, I'm not even sure I've read everything, buuut I did really like:
lyssie's " Morning Headache," a Kara/Sam fic of adorableness (Oh, Sam, how did I ever not love you? How?! It's Kara and her damn chemistry with Lee. Asdfgjk;)

lizardbeth_j's " Down to Earth", which is Sam/Sharon (wut?!) and so angsty and sad and I might hate it because it involves Karaless Sam and Heloless Agathons, but yeah, it's still good. She also wrote a cool Kara/Sam AU fic called " Variations in Earth Major," whose title is a music pun (unless... it's a BSG reference that I'm missing) because in it, Kara is a concert pianist. It reminds me of resurrection!fic, to which I am becoming addicted.

Hm, I remember liking a Lee/Kara a lot, but can't remember what page it was on and didn't leave a comment. Oh wellz.

I also liked a lot of the fic that everyone liked, like the Leoben/Kara "bite the pillow" prompt. It's on the first page; you can't miss it. It's the too-hot-for-the-internet one.

Some of my prompts were done, too. ism did Kara/Leoben; 'in God's eyes' with hatesex, and lyssie did Lee/Boomer; 'liars'... also with hatesex, basically. Rofl. And I'm sure there were others without hatesex, but contrary to popular belief, I cannot actually retain everything I read or write.

Anyway, those are just a few of the favorites I'm remembering now. It's definitely worth a look, now that the pressure to post responses is off. Lol.

As for me personally, I apparently have a limit set of how much fic I can write in one weekend. And that number is seven. I'll get up to eight sooner or later, you watch me. Anyway, behold:
Consensus and Hindsight on My Porn*
7. One-upmanship, a Kara/Sawyer prompt of 'jungle.'
Generally, I'm always the least satisfied with my last contribution to these things. I don't understand the concept of 'quitting while ahead,' I think. But uh, who doesn't like writing Sawyer? I sure do.

6. The Parable of the Apple Seed, a Leoben/Echo Dollhouse crossover with the prompt of 'infiltration.' Which I realized today... was one of my prompts. I fail.
Even so, this was one of the most fun and easiest fics to write. ... I may write more Leoben/Echo for this reason. Look out, fic incoming.

5. Truth and Worth, a Kara/Paul Dollhouse crossover with the prompt of 'informant.' This was NOT my prompt, tyvm. :D
Um, I dunno, people seemed to like it, and I wrote it in two basic parts. Unfortunately it wasn't a great aid in breaking my pornblock, but I gave it a shot. It did, however, unblock my dialogue creator. Rofl.

4. The Trumpet Child, a Kara/Leoben fic with the prompt of 'ancestors.'
*smokes space-reefer with Roslin and Adama* "Huh? What's the question?"

3. What Price Love, a really brief Kara/Leoben ficlet with the prompt of 'faith.'
Um, this one was over as soon as it began. I had it all planned out as being like three or four times longer with more explicit sex and more mindfuckery, but I do that (the time-and-realityfucking) a lot in fic, and I imagine it gets old. I typed the last sentence and while I was wondering what should come next, I realized I was done.

2. The Life Before This, a Helo/Kara fic with the prompt 'tough.'
Oh yeah, I went there. And the response was heartening. It's cliche Academy-fic, basically, except with Helo instead of Lee. *thud*

1. Can't Leave You By the Roadside, a Lee/Kara fic in which I used one of sight's prompts, 'unanswered questions.'
I think this fic has the strongest concept behind it... and the reaction to it has been very positive. Possibly because nobody doesn't like Kara/Lee! (Get it? Get it?!)

*if you can even call it porn, because I feel there was insufficient smut in my contributions, but that's not the point
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