Jun 11, 2009 02:04
Okay, so that guy who I am not gonna make more famous by learning his name, the one who killed the security guard at the Holocaust museum yesterday? Here's a piece on his arrest for trying to kidnap some enemies of the white race about a decade ago:
"The subject resides in my memory like old road-kill," he wrote. "What could have been a slam-bang victory turned into ignoble failure. Recalling all of this presents an onerous task. I am getting near the end of the diving board."
So, this guy is using simile and metaphor, and neither of them well. His use of "resides" and "ignoble" suggest a firm grasp of a thesaurus. The strange sentence, "Recalling all of this presents an onerous task," suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of the word "onerous" or perhaps the word "task". It's not clear which word is less appropriate to the situation. Maybe it's the personification of "recalling this" which thrusts itself upon Mr. Hambrain.
Initially, I thought Mr. Neo-Nazi was just trying to sound smart, in the habit of puffing himself up with ten-cent words the way that so many unintelligent people do. But that's just the half of it. There is a consistency and DENSITY to the confusion that underlies the delusion of grandeur, as though the muddle in his mind conflates reality and its metaphor, a situation and its description.
Maybe I'm reaching, but I hate to think that such a wicked and misguided person sounds like a ninth grader fudging his way through an essay while dreaming of becoming the teacher's pet.