May 09, 2005 19:15
So yeah, tomorrow is my last day of classes for my freshman year. What in the hell happened to my first year of college, how did it just fly by? But yeah I still have the 10 days following to enjoy myself before I go home for three months.
Anyhow, I came home on Friday and saw "Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy" with my dad, brother, and Brie. It was a good movie, not as good as the book (which book movies never are), but it was still a good movie, I enjoyed it. Best part of the night was during the previews, the first one kept dieing on us, and at one point it died and the lights came on. My dad then says, straight-faced: "Looks like the gerbil died", as loud as he could and everyone in the theater started cracking up.
The next day I went over Art's house and showed him the extreme godliness that is Naruto 133, along with the new Bleach and showed him the more hilarious clips from Yakitate!! Japan. After that was done I played "Devil May Cry 3" which is like "God of War" but a bit more complicated. Brie called to say that she was home from moving Kacie out of college and me and Art headed over to pick her up. Art decided that he wanted Chili's for dinner and so we started going to the one on Rt.1, when Brie says that there's one on Rt.18, I don't think he heard her because she directed him in the direction of the Rt.18 one and when we're a few feet from it, he says that he wanted the Rt.1 one and thought we were on our way to Rt.1. When we finally got there we got dinner, had a few laughs, pretty much me and Art making fun of each other while Brie just laughed at us, and got out of there for our movie. We headed over to Menlo to go see "Kingdom of Heaven", not as good as "Gladiator" but still a good movie. Probably would have been better had I not been falling asleep and wasn't so damn long with so many fake endings. So yeah, after that "I" drove Brie home, which in actuality was her driving my car home.
Sunday was my cousin Killian's christaning, this was the real reason I came home this weekend, since I'm her god-father. After the mass we headed over to a Club House for a brunch type dealie, it was good, but I couldn't eat because I had a big breakfast (and anyone that knows me, knows that I don't eat breakfast, so anything is a big breakfast). When we got home I got ready to leave for school when we heard on the radio that there was traffic on the GW, and since I didn't feel like waiting in traffic and if I had waited it out I would have gotten back at school at like 1am, I stayed home and came back this morning. I got back, had lunch with Jiggy, hung out in Sam's room for a bit playing Mario Kart 64, then went outside and was on the dominating team in basketball (the white kids of Adam's Hall 2 North v. the minorities that hang out with the minorities in our hall; 11-2).
So yeah, that's all for now.