Ollie update

Dec 23, 2008 20:31

We just returned from the vet.

Ollie has a Urinary Tract Infection...his creatnin and calcium were a bit higher than they like, and the doc gave him an antibiotic shot that stays under the skin and releases the meds over 14 days, so no pills to give. He also wants to see him back in 10 days.

*relieved sigh*

Thank you to all of you who responded and gave help. Thanks very much to jesslla and zothar who drove us there and kept us laughing (except poor Ollie) during the stressful wait. We cannot thank you all enough for your help, prayers, and positive wishes.

To those of you who reposted for me, please let your friends (some of whom gave help and solace) know that he is going to be okay and that much thanks are given.

I hope all of you have a joyful holiday...I know I will, just knowing that Ollie will still be with us to enjoy it.