May 28, 2007 13:37
Last night was awesome. Went to youth group and played dodge ball, ate hamburgers, and watched a Numa video. Then a group of us (David, Christine, Heather, Sara, Chris, John, Thom Thom) went to the bowling alley. We met up with Ellison, Kristen and David. We bowled for about 2 hours and then went to Denny's for story time and some grub.
Today is lookin pretty good. I'm going over to John's digital studio at around 3:00 for a try out. His current bassist previously played for the Saturday Night Live band so those are going to be some huge shoes to fill. I'm praying that this really does work out and that it ends up being a lot of fun. After I get done at his place I might be going to a grill out, not sure though. It may already be over by the time I'm done with the try out. The rest of the day is a mystery. I honestly haven't the slightest clue about Bible Study but if that is canceled I'm going to have to find something to do.