◎◎ 愛ラブSteph ◎◎

Oct 13, 2005 20:35

Met up with Steph _ageha yesterday because she came to Sydney ! <3 uwaaah it was such fun XD we went shopping for almost the whole time we were together X3 ~ and TADA ~ new CARHARTT beanie <3

Of course, プリクラ's are a MUST ^___^ !

おみやげTIME ! Eeek she was so nice and bought me 2005 LOOKing Kame Uchiwa (in which i absolutely ADORE now !)

Besides that, she also VERY GENEROUSLY XD bought me a Marie phonestrap from when she went to Japan Disneyland X3 ~ eeek so cuute !

and end it with some GOKUSEN spiff shall we XD (eventhough I look more like ready to claw someone's eye out x-x)

Now for some KAT-TUN ness dedicated to my lovely Karin <3 <3takarai_karin




There you go dear ~ I told you it wouldn't have made any difference to the ones you provided XDDDD but hope you like it ne X3
The Koki one is just REALLY random but i HAD to put him there because he's such a dork XD the rest is just AKAME all the way : X;;

life is wonderful 8D


woops. forgot this one in which she ACTUALLY wanted X3;; *bows*

olleeman, 友達, kat-tun

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