◎lol. i really need to start making some NON-KAT-TUN-related stuff. lol. *coughlikeNARIMIYAhotbumcrackpictures!cough*
◎back to Kindaichi. I'm so crazy over HAJIME XD but yeah the story is boring lol. it didn't even give me nightmares or slight paranoia for the day. I even guessed who the mafia was ! >: D *この人の頭が良いよ* : PPP hm. i'm beginning to like/notice that miyuki girl a lot. she was one of the kids in ENGINE and SWING GIRLS too right? uwa she's cuute eventhough not that pretty XD;;
◎i'm so アネゴ-ed ! kinda late on the drama but waaaah I realise how thankful i am to NOT be a huge Jin fan. haha those poor mrs. akanishi's probably suffer enough pictures of Jin kissing/hugging/in the same bed as ANOTHER girl ne. XDDDD *pats*
◎heard 青春アミゴyesterday. maa ~ >>;; nobuta better make the song better lol. *not very convinced* but oh well i'll buy it for Kizuna AND the mini photobook anyway !
◎i'm feeling so good lately 8D everything in life is nice on track ! no more emo-ness ! SP thanks to 姉ちゃんHIAKI , BUTTIE(Hae Ran) , Mum and nice URL friends for being so supportive ! <3 <3 <3 <3