I thought uni was supposed to be hard....

Oct 24, 2006 13:27


OK, im in a pretty bad mood at the moemnt, for the simple reason that i dont have enoguh stuff to do. Pretty much everyone i know is doing loads and loads of work, but i just dont ahve that work to do at the moment. So far in teh 2 and a half weeks i have been at uni, i have learnt practically nothing new, most of it having already been covered in a-levels.

The one bit i was kinda looking forward to, the programming part ahs turned out to be a complete and utter waste of time, most of it is simply copying and pasting. To give you an indication of the level of experience they expect, ill give you an extract from teh workscheme:

move the cursor into the browser window where the text is to be copied from
move the cursor to the left of the first character of the text you want to copy
click the left mouse button and hold it down
drag the cursor up to and after the last character of the text you want to copy
releasing the button leaves the block of text highlighted
select Edit|Copy option (or type ^C) to copy the marked block into a memory buffer - Note there is no visible confirmation
move the cursor into the editor window where the text is to be pasted
move the cursor to the position the text will be dropped - you may need to tidy up a little if you missed the odd character, or copied some text more than once, so ensure the code looks similar to original
select the Edit|Paste option (or type ^V) to drop the buffered text into the window
compile and run the new project

When i saw that i just burst out laughing.

So no work, means i can party lots right? Wrong, even though i live in london, the main problem is finding peopel to go out with, practically everyone else seems to ahve loads of work to do, meaning that theyre not really up for going out.

Now sorry if i seem to be boasting about this, but it is actually pissing me off, i came to uni expecting a challenge, having been through a-levels without really workign, and so far it just seems to be more of the same. Lectures are mostly a waste of time, labs are kinda interesting, btu we get way too long for waht we ahve to do, and its jsut putting me in a bad mood at the moment. Hopefully it will get more interesting soon, but im not that hopeful....

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