Jul 24, 2010 18:10
Back after ages so I can tell a full story and link it elsewhere, instead of that infernal facebook shortness. This is my must read Dublin Airport story. At leat I think it's worth reading. I think Deva in particular will get a kick out of this.
Some setup:
Step 1:
On the way into Ireland, I happened to notice a copy of the Hitchhiker's book not written by Douglas Adams. It's called And Another Thing... and I knew about it but never read it because it seemed weird to me to basically read a Douglas Adams book by some other dude. I just happened to take note of it in the front of an airport bookstore.
Step 2:
Friday morning in Ireland and I'm half paying attention to "Ireland AM" on the TV while getting ready. This Irish author, named Eoin Colfer (it's pronounced "Owen") is talking about his newest book in the Artemis Fowl series, which I am unfamiliar with. While sort of listening, I decide it sounds interesting and so does he. Then they start showing a clip from the Hitchhiker movie and I discover he IS the author of And Another Thing... Guess that's why it was in front of the bookstore, but still kind of an odd coincidence. After listening to him, I decide he might just be alright and maybe I'll buy the book when I'm in the Dublin airport again, so I've bought it in Ireland.
Step 3:
I'm in the Dublin Airport Bookstore now. No copy of And Another Thing so I give up and wait for Steve who's trying to find his parents. I browse and find the newest Artemis Fowl book and decide it does sound cute and maybe I'll read it. Except it's in a series, so I decide not to get it. I wait for Steve some more. Then I decide to hunt around for the older Artemis Fowl books. I find several, but not the first, so now I really decide not to get one and go and pick out my last Irish drink and candy and then find Steve. At the last minute I decide, what the hell, I really want to buy one FROM Ireland, so I go back and get book 2 in the series and hand it to steve, who is in line with the drinks and candy.
Steve gets to the checkout and is buying the items. The guy behind him in line indicates the book on the counter and asks, "Any good?"
Steve says that he hasn't read it. The guy asks, "Want me to sign it?"
And thus I have my book autographed by Eoin Colfer, who I finally recognize from Ireland AM, and who's buying a Coke in the Dublin airport bookstore. I think he was amused.
Part of what really gets me is how many ways this could have not happened. After all, I was in that bookstore for ages and almost didn't one of his books several times over. All perfectly set to end up right in front of him. That and it was awfully nice of him to bother to say anything at all. I suppose it must be nice to happen to see someone randomly buying your book ahead of you in line.