A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant And a Prayer

Feb 03, 2012 15:48

According to twitter:

#10monologues -Eve Ensler, Meera Syal, Trudie Styler, Olivia Williams. Stopviolence against women, buy tickets now at nimaxtheatre.com

Checking out the Nimax Theatre's website, it is a "ground-breaking collection of monologues by world-renowned authors and playwrights' such as Maya Angelou, Alice Walker and Edward Albee and edited by Eve Ensler and Mollie Doyle: each diverse voice rises up in a collective roar to break open, expose, and examine the insidiousness of violence at all levels - brutality, neglect, a punch, even a put-down."

The website is yet to list Olivia in the cast, but seeing that they also have "...and more" in the first paragraph + the tweet, I think it's fair to say that she's indeed part of this (unless the tweet meant to say "Olivia Colman" as what's happening lately on the internet -_-)

Nimax Theatre Website

Tickets start at £ 21. It looks like the performance will only be on the 26th of March.

Will update when more info crops up.

stage: a memory..., media: twitter, news

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