Oct 11, 2006 23:02
So I haven't posted for a while. Probably because I have nothing worth posting.
Anyways, I've been so bipolar this past week. Okay, that's not the right word. Um, indecisive I guess? One morning I want to drop out of University and just go to an easier place where I'm more likely to get a job (Community College). But by night, I'm excited to learn about film and whatever else I'm taking. It's really taking a toll on me, especially when the assignments are starting to pile up, I'm signing up for all these extra-cirriculars (not including the four social-related things I do each week) and I've been horribly sick the past week.
I think I may just stick it out for the year and see from there. Even if I wanted to drop out right now, I would only get half my money back. I should probably just drop out of some of the "extra-cirriculars" so to speak. Nah, probably just the social stuff. Half the time I'm faking it anyway ;)
It was really smart of me to take the subjects with the most reading and lengthy assignments, eh?
On a side note, I actually started to watch Slings & Arrows. I've caught the occasional episode and didn't think much of it, but I'm really into it now. Very surprising. It is actually clever and original, something that you don't see much of these days.