Sometimes he looks huge, and sometimes I can't believe how small he still is. James still likes me to do most things for him that he can do himself, like buckle him in to the car seat and dress and undress him. However he loves to do things for himself that he's just getting big enough to do, like wash his own fruit in the sink (without help) and put his own dish in the dishwasher. He loves drawing, and today drew a stick figure with two nested circles for eyes (they looked like fried eggs actually) instead of dots. He loves to write letters, and can write his name with reminders of what letter comes next. One of his favorite topics of conversation is outer space. He likes to talk about what it would be like to live on the moon.
I mentioned something in passing about "when I die" the other day, and James immediately said "but no one dies until they stop having birthdays!"
James has been telling me he will potty train when he's four, so we'll see. I bought some new underwear since he's outgrown the first batch (Abby wears them now).
James is extremely verbally defiant these days. I read somewhere that this starts around four and ends.. well, I hope it ends. Very hard to keep my temper when he's endlessly stalling (a controlling tactic I know, but it drives me up the wall!) and making us all wait on him.
We went out for birthday sushi. James can really pack it away. Our first Nashville sushi, have to say I was a little disappointed. Need to try Indian next.
A few weeks ago I asked Abby what little babies eat. "Sushi!"
I asked her where the new baby was going to sleep. "In my big-girl bed."
Lately when she sees James in my lap she comes up to me and politely says "Mommy, may I have some cuddle?"
In stark contrast to James, Abby wants to do everything herself. "No, I do it!" is an oft-heard phrase. Watching her climb onto the big potty with the little seat on top of it is a little hair-raising. She hasn't fallen off or put her foot in the toilet yet.. She loves fighting with James lately. Very. Annoying. I can't leave them alone together for a minute without her screaming (often over nothing but she was bitten twice last month). She is fighting bed time and nap time again.. Sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night and asks for something strange like the plastic teapot or blocks. Usually she wants Mommy or a drink of water, or to turn the light on or go upstairs (our bedrooms are downstairs in our new house.)
She is very interested in letters, especially the letter A ("A is for Abby!), and in her recent birthday ("I had a 2 on my birthday cake.").