Well I got a seasonal job at Macy's. For various reasons really, first of all, I have more time now that growing season is over, I am cooped up all day working from home, and now with bad weather I am seriously home bound most days, so it will be nice to get out a bit. But the biggest reason is I really need to pay off some of these credit cards. I have no idea how many hours I will get, but I do hope it is enough to make a dent in my debt. I did training already and have my first real shift on Saturday. I really hope I enjoy it and don't see it as a chore, because I seriously need to be motiviated to just follow through with this extra income avenue.
Jacob (Esmond likes to be called by his first name now, which is Jacob) Jacob is doing great in school so far. His first report card was 5 As and 1 B. He's learning Spanish and I am very excited about that. Chris got him a Nintendo 3DS because of all his good grades. But if he slacks off we are taking it away, and he is aware so he is staying on point. I recently set up a good reads account for him so he can track his books. We only went back about 2 years of what he has read, but just in 2 years we got 39 books down! He is on 2001 A Space Oddyssey right now and Amy Pohler's Yes Please. He read an article in Rolling Stone about 30 Rock and SNL actors, and ever since then he has been intrigued, and begged me to let him read Yes Please. Since I read it myself, and it's pretty PG, I let him check it out from the library last night.
Speaking of books. I only had time to finish 1 this past weekend. I finished Chelsea Handler's Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, which was pretty funny. Not hilarious, no, but pretty funny. I finished 2001 A Space Odyssey last week. The book really put the Stanley Kubrick film in a whole new light. I did a study and a paper on the Kubrick film for a film class 2 years ago, and now I really wish I would have read the book too, because it answers a couple questions I could not figure out myself about the film. It was a great book over all. I looooove movies about space travel but I've never really read fiction on it. I think this was my first real space sci-fi book ever, and I really loved it. So there will be more of the those to follow!
Last Night finished Wolf Winter. Wow what an amazing novel! Beautiful, gripping, mysterious. It was so wonderful, I am definitely going to read her next release, which is due out in February.
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1436798156?book_show_action=false It's been quite rainy here. And next week they are forecasting days of 30 and 20 degree temperatures! Geeze! The cold came early this year.. or I guess it's on time, and I'm just erroneously comparing it to last year. Last year it was unusually warm Oct and Nov, and all fall and winter we got absolutely NO snow, but this year is the total opposite. I really think it's going to snow this time!
Well back to work! toodles!