All of this from the garden! I've made 3 salads this week with my own grown veggies. I love love love being able to grocery shop in the backyard.
Beatiful big Irises growing in the back
Bed of broccoli & brussel sprouts. The leaves have just gotten so huge! Also a fennel & artichoke plant in the mix too... and some celery
Big broccoli leaf
Our home made compost pile. Just some fence wire and alternating layers of wood chips, leaves, pulled weeds, and yard clippings. Hopefully this time next year the whole thing will be finished rich black compost. Some of these twigs are too big and should be broken down more, but there weren;t all that many and they are already so dry and brittle and decayed that I think there is a chance they may be decomposed in a year.
Kitties being kitties... bird gazing as always
Flowers on the pea vines mean sugar peas very soon!!!