Sep 01, 2009 16:00
aaahhhhhhhh the oh so refreshing emotion of indifference!! oh how I love it! yesterday was hard, sunday was hard.
Today I am back. the old me is back. the happy blissful focused one who's written off men and love. It feels so good to be unaffected by a male. This time I've got to keep it this way and not let will inch his way back in again.
I do have a dinner date on thursday though. but it's kind of blah.. I don't see anything coming out of it.
ok so I have been thinking of the future... and thinking I might minor in Political Science or foreign affairs or some kind of government based subject. My first plan was just to major in English. But then I changed my mind to major in english and minor in spanish... but now I am thinking of double minor- spanish and poly sci. But it totally depends on what the counselor says and what the class work load would be.
Its just that, aside from books and snorkeling, my main passion is politics. I mean I get so engrossed in it when I talk about things that i sometimes start yelling. and after I've gone on my rants, throwing out all my facts, statistics and examples, to anyone I always get the same reaction- which is the advice that i need to run for office. So if I did i think i would try for something really small like city council. Then I could actually work to change all the things I get so emotional about.
But thats all secondary to my main plan which is teaching high school. Maybe after poly sci classes and more knowledge on the subjects I'll get turned off to the idea.
In the meantime though I'm going to see what it would take to get that double minor.
And I'm moving too slow. i think spring I might try for 3 classes... I might hate life for a bit, but if I want to finish within the timeline I have in mind I've got to take more than just 2 classes a semester plus intersessions..
ok well back to work. .. after I get off I'm meeting pegah to go over more of our writing projects..
toodles noodles