The Summoning - Part 1, Calling the Clouds

Aug 20, 2010 10:30

The dawn came earlier then she had expected. As she watched the sky begin to light, she prayed for time to stop. She prayed for the night to never end, so that they would never have to begin on the path set before them.  Her prayers, as always, were in vain. The sun vanquished the last vestiges of darkness, and she felt him behind her.

For a long moment, he didn’t say a word, merely wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close, his chin resting on her shoulder. She could feel the energy surging through him and into her soul - she could nearly taste his mixture of excitement and fear. It was a heady feeling, one that only drove her own excitement and anxiety to higher levels.

His voice was soft as he kissed her cheek, “Yoga. It’ll calm us both down…” The rest was unspoken. She didn’t need to hear it from his lips, to know his words. ‘If this is the last day we spend together, I want to have these fleeting memories to hold on to.’

She could only nod, clutching his hands. She didn’t trust herself to speak yet, not with the overwhelming emotions riding through her soul. She smiled to him, before making her way to the closet and pulling out their well-used mats. She tucked them under her arm and stepped outside into the bright Rocky Mountain morning.

The chill in the air took her breath away, sending a shiver down her spine. It was cold, for August, although the cold had never been a bother to her. She had always preferred it to the warmth.

She laid the mats out meticulously as he watched. This too, was part of their ritual. It had evolved over the past year, but it was ever the same. She would drag him out to the mats and they would stretch and clear their minds together. In the beginnings, he would grumble about the mornings until she soothed him with tea. Now, any grumblings were good natured and an attempt to recapture their first days of this together.

She extended her hand to him, grasping it tightly for a moment before dropping gracefully onto the mat. She could feel the change come over her, almost immediately. Closing her eyes and tucking her feet beneath her, she exhaled slowly, pushing out the fear and negativity from her soul. She could feel it calming him as well, from the way his breath evened out. It was an intensely personal moment, filled with all of the closeness they had built over the past year.

It was all over too soon. He stood before her with a calm smile, his voice strong and sure, “We should get something to eat, and then get this show on the road.”

He helped her to her feet and she smiled softly. The overwhelming fear had dwindled to a seed, and she knew that nothing would get rid of that last bit. “We should. Lycka…” She hesitated for a moment and sighed softly, “Love…if anything happens today. To you, or to me…”

He shook his head, moving to interrupt her. She held up a hand and sighed softly, “If anything happens today, I want you to know that I love you, more then anyone I’ve ever…” She smiled and shook her head, “Thank you.”

He gathered her in his arms, holding her tightly and showering her face with kisses, “Nothing will happen today, hon. We are going to be fine. I have luck on my side, you’ll see.” He brushed the hair from her eyes, tipping her chin up so he could gaze down into them, “But if it does, I love you too. Always and forever.”

They stood like that for what seemed like an eternity, both reveling in the others company and never wanting to let go of their soul-mate. A familiar voice broke them out of their reverie, as Chevale poked his head around the corner, “Olivia! You promised me eggs and bacon!”

They all laughed together and Lycka kissed her one last time, “I’m going to make sure the circle is ready…”

She smiled softly to him, “I’ll bring something down to you.”

She watched him as he wandered away towards the circle he had meticulously prepared, his bright green hat bobbing as he wandered through the wooded area. She turned to Chevale and smiled, “Yes, breakfast.”


She watched them as they all gathered around the circle, and she couldn’t help but smile softly. All people she trusted and cared for, friends and family alike who had answered the call. Lycka paced around the circle, nudging tarot cards and dice into place. He paused, staring at a set of runes. Pulling out a dagger, he stared at one of the runes. His hand was steady as he carved into it, deepening one of the lines just slightly. He smiled and stepped back, admiring the perfection of the symbol.

She could feel his anxiety, but below that was the steady steel of his personality. He was afraid, but he would never back down. No matter how bad it might get, he would not stop the ritual.

Once he had ensured the circle was to his liking, he moved towards her, taking her hands in his. He looked at her once, his eyes serious, “Are you sure?”

She laughed softly, nodding to him, “Of course. It’ll help, and that’s why I’m here.”

He smiled, his eyes crinkling as he laughed softly. He glanced around the circle, nodding to all of the attendees. There was nothing more to be said - everyone knew their role, and everyone knew what was at stake. With a sigh, he stepped into the center of the circle.

He inhaled briefly and time seemed to stop around them. She looked around her, taking in all of it. If this was to be her last action in life, she wanted it burned into her memory for all time.

Without warning, he chanted softly. She watched as her ring began to first pulse a brilliant green and then glow the same. She couldn’t help but smile as the green pulsing light from her ring - Lycka’s soul stone - spread over the circle and surrounded them all.

Lycka glanced around the circle and nodded once. On cue, those in the circle began to chant.

She felt the drain on her soul immediately. She hazarded a glance around, wishing again that she had been able to find more Acanthus for this ritual for him.  She felt her soul pulling, tearing, ripping and she wanted to scream. She bit it back and soldiered on, her eyes on Lycka.

The sun steadily climbed through the sky, and the air around them began to heat up.

She could feel the energy levels of those around her dropping and she glanced at Lycka, nodding to him. He sighed lightly and nodded in return, calling for a pause in the ritual. She pulled out a bag, handing around energy bars and bottled waters to everyone. The last thing they needed was a mage to drop dead of exhaustion.

Mere minutes passed, before Lycka signaled to them all that it was time to begin again. The joviality of the morning and the carefree nature of all of them was gone, replaced by a grim determination fueled by their leader.

The sun continued to rise, and Lycka’s eyes tracked it even as he chanted. A change came over the group as sunset approached them, Lycka’s voice hitting a fervor pitch as he pushed the ritualists on, his drive pulling them forward.

With the sun hanging low on the horizon, and dusk fast approaching, she felt something in the air change. She felt the world around her tense and quiver, and she knew that they had succeeded, at least in some form. Their voices all fell silent as a thick green mist began to swirl around the center of the circle.

They had succeeded.

And now, the storm came.

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