kinky ficlets for all!

Jun 05, 2010 12:49

So bexless did this very clever thing where she opened up her
kink_bingo card to suggestions from the floor. As I myself am encountering some brainstorming difficulties (mostly "overwhelmed by options"), I thought I would do something similar!

Here's how this will go: comments to this post are screened. If you see a square on my card that you really want written for a certain fandom, pairing, character, or scenario, leave me a comment! The more detail you give in your prompt, the better -- within limits, of course, but the more specific you are, the more likely I am to be inspired by your idea.

Fandoms I am currently especially interested in writing include: White Collar, Leverage, True Blood, The Wire, Generation Kill, Treme, Slings & Arrows. I could probably be talked into trying my hand at Sherlock Holmes or Star Trek: Reboot (although my old school Star Trek canon is spotty at best). Most of my Adam Lambert writing attention is currently on something else, but I'm easy for the right prompt, and on general principle I'm willing to write Adam/just about anyone. Bandom is a little more questionable, but again, I'm easy for the right prompt. And if there's something you think I know the canon for (there are lots of things I know the canon for!) and want me to write, give it a shot! I'm open-minded!

Of course I reserve the right not to use your prompts, or to mess with them as I see fit, but I want to do at least a bingo by the August deadline, and I'd love to keep working on my card even after that. Generally speaking, prompts that are not inclined to epics are more likely to get written than prompts that are. (All the ideas in my head are inclined to epics, hence my appeal to you guys. Um. :D?)

If you're not familiar with
kink_bingo, I strongly suggest reading the rules post and checking out the totally awesome
kink_wiki. Any kink can be done as roleplay or fantasy; while the kink must be the erotic focus of the story, the story does not have to include sex.

Unless you specifically request it, I will not reveal which story is for whom when posting, and as I said, comments to this post are screened. Go forth! Kink it up!

Originally posted at oliviacirce @ dreamwidth. If you'd like, comment there using OpenID.

shenanigans, fic, kink bingo, writing, dear flist

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