This is not democracy, this is fascism.

Sep 05, 2008 16:08

I have become very, very troubled by what the Corporate Owned American Press is not covering during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.

St. Paul has become a de facto police state and the only coverage most of us have seen on network and cable news has been the relative handful of Black Bloc anarchists (less than 2% of total protesters) committing actual illegal acts and not a total picture of what is really happening - including abridgment of the constitutional rights of a free press...

Last night they did not allow Rage Against the Machine to perform and cut their power. The only conceivable reason to do this would be to try and provoke a riot.

Rage took their audience to the streets and joined up with the Poor People's March. The police started barricading and blocking streets to herd them all into an area from which they could not escape and then started firing tear gas at them all.

This is not the America that I grew up believing was free and fair. This is fascism.

There are videos, and much more information if you click through.

This is where this once beautiful country is going. Don't say you weren't warned, and that you did not have a chance to make a difference.

public, be the change, politics

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