Because maxomai put it so well

Sep 12, 2007 17:51

You can put an end to the Iraq mess in five easy steps:

1. Call 202 224 3121 and ask for your Congressman. Tell them not to vote for an Iraq supplemental unless it has a strict timeline for withdrawal.

2. Call 202 224 3121 and ask for your Senator. Tell them not to vote for an Iraq supplemental unless it has a strict timeline for withdrawal.

3. Call 202 224 3121 and ask for your other Senator. Tell them not to vote for an Iraq supplemental unless it has a strict timeline for withdrawal.

4. Crack open a beer. (This last step is optional. I think.)

5. Do this every day from now until we have a strict deadline to pull out our troops.


Am working on re-accruing the four and a half lost working hours from Monday's excursion to the Embassy. Going on an hour today! Nothing yesterday, sadly.

Missing out on rehearsal tonight due to a late night here and lack of rides. So it goes. Perhaps I can use the time to launder clothes? God forbid, yoga? Wonders will never cease.

Palin book still extraordinary wonderful in that wonderfully ordinary way. Hard to explain unless you're familiar with Palin and his work and general attitude.

Going to Brazil in ten (10) days!

public, be the change

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