Out and about - Oct

Oct 22, 2006 15:37

Downtown Boston

The Citgo Sign

That Citgo sign is protected. I'm not even kidding.


I've no idea what a smoot is.


Ivy grows rampant here. I love it.

Rocking out with a parrot

There are no words for this dude. He rocked.

Gold lamme

Would YOU have the balls to wear this?

The water vendor

He was jammin', too.

From the Science Museum, all is revealed.


Our Brazilian dinner

Oh, it tasted way better than it looks, trust me.

Jake stalks from the tub.

Prepare to brew!

Beer tea

Start by steeping your wort, effectively making beer tea.

Mad scientist

Procure some rubber gloves and stick them on your man-person, so can stir the wort without fear.

Indignant! Impertinent!

Bother your cat, who is trying to have a drink.

The stewing wort

Umm-- pre-beer!

Autumn Skies

Also, there are September pictures here, mostly documenting us moving in.

public, pictures

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