Boosting the signal

Nov 10, 2010 16:32

Ok guys, here's the deal.

A good friend of mine, girlpirate , has been getting the shit end of the stick for several months now-- medical issues, shitty bosses, barely covering bills, etc. She and her hubbers are managing, super ninjas that they are-- but today she needs a little help.

Her baby, Oliver, has a very serious infection that needs treatment. This cat is a rockstar, and a sweet soul, and he needs our help to get better.

Two years ago, he had similar troubles, and it cost $500 to treat. It's not much, unless you don't have it. Please help Kiki, and Matt, and Oliver, to keep their little family whole.

Oliver and his sister, Lilo.

ETA: Thanks, everyone who helped. I'll post updates as I get them.

be the change, friends

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