Name: Oliver Jonas Queen
Preferred Name and Nickname(s): Oliver, Ollie
Name Meaning*: The name Oliver is french and means Olive tree which symbolizes fruitfulness and beauty. Also handing over an Olive branch symbolizes peace. Somewhat a significance.
Age; Date of Birth: 34 & May 8, 1981
Place of Birth and Citizenship(s): Toronto, Ontario Canada
City(ies) of Residence: New York, New Jersey(the hotel).
With Whom do They Live? Living with Roy and his pets.
Sex, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation: Male. Always happy with his male idtentity. bisexual but mostly into guys.
Relationship Status: Living with Roy . They have a fwb relationship going on for the time being.
Relationship History: Oliver has had his fair share of hurt in a relationship. His longest relationship was over 2 years about 4 years ago and broke up due to complications between families and his ex stole from him which has proved he hasn't been able to find someone whom he could trust again. He has dated and spent time with friends but nothing really serious and yet one day he believes he can find that one person again and fall in love. He lives with Roy now but deep inside, he knows he can trust him. Its just taking things to the next step was the issue Ollie has.
Family: Fraternal twin siblings, Joeseph and Joseline (younger) and loving parents Matricia and Philip. He has always had a caring relationship with his family.
Race/Ethnicity: French Canadian with a bit of Metis Heritage
Height (inches or feet and inches)/Weight (pounds)/Build: 5'10, 180lbs, muscular.
Hair/Eyes/Skin: His hair is fairly short and dark but never has it long. He used to wear it just to his ears when he was in his grunge stage but after he graduated he has always kept it short. His eye color is as beautiful as the bahaman ocean blue. With his skin, he has always had a darker complexion.
Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, Facial Hair, etc*: Pheonix on back of left shoulder, Chinese lettering on right ribs and a star like symbol over his heart.
Clothing/Jewelry Preferences*: With work, he mainly wears suits and ties but when he's not working, it's all about being casual and having a fun relaxed look. He loves to work out too so he's wearing the sweats or basketball shorts with muscle shirts or tees.
Misc. Appearance*: Not that I can think of.
Religious and Political Affiliations: He is not religuous. He doesn't attend church or any other sessions but he is not against anyones beliefs.
Education: He stayed in Toronto till a couple years after he graduated then attended NYU in New York for 4 years studying Business and Technology Management which also resulted in him earning a Bachelor Degree in Science.
Languages spoken or understood: Quebecois, Catalan, Basque, Orleanais, Champenois of the French dialect, French in general.
Occupation/Role in Game: .Long term guest, frequents the casino often enough.
Previous Occupation(s): He has done various jobs during highschool time when he was working in sales and retail till he went to University where he helped his uncle with his marketing business in the mail room where he could earn extra money.
Interests/Hobbies/Activities/Organisations: When hes not working, he is apart of some running clubs and does crossfit training.
Skills/Abilities: Athletics, Crossfit, Running.
Weapons: He has no weapons .
Flaws, Addictions, Problems, Quirks and Foibles, etc.: He has mild OCD where he likes to have things organized and done on a timely basis. If dates are missed without a legitimate reason, then he will stress. He also has an addiction to coffee and is not a huge breakfast person.
xOliver is very reliable to have around. He would help anyone in need if he could.
xHe's not an elitist but he can be challenging in his behavioral ways.
xHe's an honest guy and loyal to his friends and family.
xHe is quite the charmer around other people and is very flirtatious.
xOliver is pretty brilliant in his career and is well known around the community he lives in, in NYC.
x Oliver has a bit of a jealous streak in him and does have trust issues.
x He is also very stubborn and has mild OCD with organization.
Other Biographical Information*: Ollie has family in New York and in Canada which made things easier for him when he went to University after graduating. He had a place of residence living with his aunt and uncle and was able to work when he wasn't studying. He graduated highschool with honors putting him on a honors list and the grants and bursaries he earned helped with paying his tuition into the University.
Roleplay Sample:
It had been a busy week at home in New York with meetings all the time and Oliver was looking forward to a few days with Roy in Jersey. He had already packed a few clothes the night before and things were looking good for them to travel and on time. He checked his phone for messages, packed a few last things then dragged his suitcase out to the car and wandered back into the house. "Roooyy? Are you ready?" Ollie asked and wandered into the the kitchen to grab himself a water and stuffed his phone in his back pocket with his keys."I'm gonna go load the car and we can take off." He said as he headed to the garage area, humming to himself.
Roy was always up to an adventure with Oliver so the moment the man told him they were going to Atlantic City, which in the younger man's mind had the appeal of Las Vegas only on a smaller scale, he had packed whatever few simple belongings he had into his duffel bag, a change of clothes and some toiletries, and was ready to follow Oliver out. Roy always traveled light. He had his favorite red hoodie on and his bag slung across his torso as he stole the last minute glace at himself in the mirror. He heard Oliver's voice coming from the downstairs, and hurried. "Like a scout. You know me, Ollie." He said, skipping down the staircase. Once his shoes were on, Roy made his way to the garage. "I'm ready to follow you to the end of the world, chief." He said, beaming at Oliver.
Oliver had his hands on the top part of the trunk while it was still open and looked back to Roy with his brows raised and shook his head."Good, cause I wouldn't travel with anyone else to the end of this world. " As a business man, Ollie did have his qwerky moments and his sassy self always drew Roy to him in any way possible." Did you enjoy the CES in Vegas? I'm still waiting on a couple orders for the mac but other than that, it was fun. I was thinking we could go back there after spring or we can go somewhere else. Entirely up to you!" Oliver finished loading up the trunk of the car and closed it shut. He made one more look about the place then locked up and headed back to the garage. "Alright, let's get out of here." He climbed in the car and waited for Roy while he checked his phone one more time and buckled up.
Roy licked his lips a little as he looked back at Oliver. He crossed the short distance over and put his bag in the trunk, then smiled. "I wouldn't let you go that far without me anyway, and you know that. Who's going to watch over you?" Roy loved feeling like he could be there for Oliver, as his unofficial bodyguard of sorts but also as the one man Oliver knew could trust. He nodded, a huge grin cracking across his slender features, "I did enjoy the show and a few other things but we won't mention they say, what happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas." He always loved the trips with Oliver, and Vegas had been a lot of exuberant fun and crazy good time but it didn't matter where they found themselves, as long as he was by Oliver's side. Roy got into the car and buckled up then leaned over to Oliver, his hand brushing against the older man's thigh. Very casually but the touch was there before his fingers reached the climat control buttons. He would leave the choice of music to Oliver as he always did. "Maybe an island? Somewhere warm, like Puerto Rico?" He asked, his eyes meeting Oliver's for a long moment. "The beach, the bonfire and a bottle of rum to share under the stars, what do you say, mister Queen?"
Other Application Information (the basics I need that don't fit above):
PB, if applicable: Stephen Amell
LJ/AIM: oliverque//hailoliverqueen
Babylon: nope
Photo: (sorry that's the best i could find)
Do you play other characters in the game (and if so, whom)?: I have no other characters.
How did you hear about us?: I've seen it advertised on Storylines.