
Feb 28, 2009 21:27

[Backdated to this morning]

[Oliver's sphere comes to life beeping, like an alarm. Oliver is visible across from it, asleep, tied securely to a tree, his legs also tied to it and tied together, his hands tied behind the tree. He stirs at the noise and jerks his head up. He is a wreck, one night of sleep not nearly enough to cure the dark circles under his eyes. He is soaked and muddy, as though he's been in a scuffle or two, and he is beginning to look a bit gaunt. A close look will also reveal bruising on his neck, as though he's been choked]

[Along with the alarm, the sphere begins to play a message, recorded by the Doctor]

As you can see, Ollie's a little tied up at the mo'. He's not doing too well, having deprived himself of both food and water, so if a kind soul could come and feed him, I'd be very grateful to you.

Also...Ollie? [the voice breaks and there's silence until the voice speaks again.] ...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But until these voices go away, I shouldn't come near you again. I've already hurt you enough.

Oh, and sorry about the alarm going off. I left a voice command for it, so all you have to do is tell it to shut off, and it will.

[Oliver is still clearly groggy, but he struggles against the ropes, wincing as he twists his injured arm] What? Doctor! Doctor, don't! [looks around desperately, as if expecting the Doctor to be there, before giving up and sagging against the tree]

Go on, shut off, then. [the alarm stops] You too, sphere! [he sighs, his expression defeated] Don't show this to everyone. Please. [anger creeps into his voice] I'm dangerous and should be left alone!

public, mary [au], kaylee frye [au], lyle dylandy [ou], plot: conspiracy theory, cycle 2, haruhi suzumiya [au], verse: crucible, tenth doctor [ou]

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