
Feb 14, 2009 21:15

[Oliver is standing in the field of flowers, not too far from the wreckage of the ship, and looking really rather...happy. Really, very happy. And excited. And not in the least bit fake! You can thank the Doctor for this]

Have you seen it!? [points up at the sky] A ship! There's a ship watching us! Ohhh, all the effort's paid off! Great job, everybody! We'll gonna be getting out of here! [cheers]

Also, today? Is a totally amazing day. Seriously. Amazing.

And! I love Chloe Elliot. I love her with all my heart. And you know what? When we get out of here, and all my travelling is done, I am going to go home to her. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her!

This is the best day ever! How are all of you? Having good days, too, I hope?

[afterthought!] ...oh. I'm back, by the way. [waves]

axel [au], ianto jones [ou], public, mary [au], riku [au], kaylee frye [au], lyle dylandy [ou], plot: planetary, cycle 2, verse: crucible, lulu [ou], black*star [ou], tenth doctor [ou]

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