
Aug 30, 2009 15:21

[Oliver's sphere comes on to show him walking through a corridor just outside of the Enviro-dome. he stops periodically, poking at the wall--hoping to somehow stumble upon one of the elusive command consoles.]

[suddenly, Oliver yelps, jerking his hand away from the wall. the air around him seems to take on a sheen, and Oliver gasps and starts to run down the hallway as fast as he can with his leg brace. he's not breathing well as he runs, and he's beginning to sweat, but that would be difficult to see as the view from the sphere seems to be fogging up like it's suddenly been hit by intense heat]

[Oliver continues to run, sweating heavily and breathing in gasps. he stumbles, catching himself with his hands as he falls to the floor. the sphere begins to clear as Oliver, red-faced and breathing hard, wiping sweaty hair from his face, sits up and mumbles to himself]

What...the hell...was that!?

public, verse: crucible, plot: machinations, anew returner [ou], cycle 4, tenth doctor [ou], tieria erde [ou]

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