
Jun 12, 2009 06:05

[the sphere comes above Oliver, who is lying in a tangle of blankets on the sofa in the Doctor's and TARDIS' suite. he's looking frazzled, and his eyes are open, as though he's having difficulty sleeping. heaving a sigh, he appears to give up just after the sphere has come on, and he sits up, working his way out of the blankets ( Read more... )

public, plot: sleepless, donna noble [ou], loki [ou], tardis [au], kanda yuu [ou], verse: crucible, amaterasu [au], tenth doctor [ou], cycle 3

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celestial_okami June 12 2009, 18:38:51 UTC
People died? [Ammy's panting heavily, sitting against a wall in a corridor somewhere. She spent a lot of time running, and hasn't been able to rest up yet. Not that she'll be able to.]


oliverplus June 12 2009, 18:41:57 UTC
Did you see it on the spheres? Chicago, the forest...all of it's just gone! And people were there...

Ammy, are you okay? Are you safe?


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 18:44:48 UTC
No, I was...I was doing something else. [Ugh, her head was swimming.] I remember seeing Riku start running, and then it was coming down the hall at me.

I'm okay, really tired. I want to nap, but I can't. We need to move everyone out of the housing levels immediately.


oliverplus June 12 2009, 18:47:48 UTC
Ammy, get yourself to safety first. You look like you need to rest.


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 18:49:00 UTC
I can't sleep.


oliverplus June 12 2009, 18:50:30 UTC
[sighs] You too, huh? I know it's hard to relax with things like this, but we've gotta make sure everyone's taking care of themselves, and that includes you.


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 21:25:19 UTC
Ollie. I can take care of myself. Something is keeping me from sleeping. [This is coming from the goddess that can nod off at the drop of a hat. She pushes herself up and starts trotting down the hall.]

I'll go to the other levels, pick up some food and things, see if anyone else needs to move.

((ooc: Oh my gosh I fail so hard. This was sitting around mostly written for hours. ;; A ;;))


oliverplus June 12 2009, 21:27:13 UTC
[frowns--that sounds ominous] How do you know? [is that why he couldn't sleep, either?]

[ooc: No worries!]


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 21:28:46 UTC
Because nothing can stop me from sleeping when I want to. [Unless there's very loud Envoys involved or explosions of some sort.]

((ooc: ;; 3 ;; ~ ♥?))


oliverplus June 12 2009, 21:30:48 UTC
Then...I wonder if you're not the only one...

[ooc: ♥!]


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 21:32:23 UTC
That is an unsettling thought. If we cannot sleep, then how will we be able to... [She growls softly, her ears folding back.]


oliverplus June 12 2009, 21:34:55 UTC
[he doesn't like that look] What is it? Is something wrong?


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 21:40:10 UTC
Oliver, we are running out of time, there are things left undone. Again, they speak of level three, but how will we get there? I don't know how long I can hold out.


oliverplus June 12 2009, 21:42:04 UTC
[frowns] We'll find a way, Ammy. We'll...blow a hole, if we have to!


celestial_okami June 12 2009, 21:42:45 UTC
Do you think it will work? I could go try my cherry bombs...?


oliverplus June 12 2009, 21:44:26 UTC
I don't know, but the last thing we're going to do is just watch this happen.


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