
Oct 03, 2008 18:15

[peers into the sphere, poking it] Okay...can everybody hear me? I'm going to try to sound like less of a nutter this time!

[takes a step back, sitting on his bed] Anyway...I get the impression there are a lot more people on the ship now than there were. Which is cool, although kinda disturbing. But if you don't know, I'm Oliver Day, nice to ( Read more... )

axel [au], uchiha sasuke [au], public, riku [au], cycle 1, sora [ou], plot: take a day to celebrate, verse: crucible

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dawnward October 6 2008, 03:45:57 UTC
You know the Doctor?


oliverplus October 6 2008, 10:22:52 UTC
I do! I would say pretty well, but the Doctor here isn't quite the same. Have you met him, then?


dawnward October 7 2008, 02:05:15 UTC
Yes, I've met him. Do you know the TARDIS, too?


oliverplus October 7 2008, 02:18:33 UTC
Definitely! I've traveled with them before. Was there something you needed from one of them?


dawnward October 7 2008, 02:41:26 UTC
No, I was just confirming something.

[kind of talking more to himself now] The people coming here aren't just arriving at random. Quite a few know each other...


oliverplus October 7 2008, 10:20:01 UTC
I hadn't thought about it that way... [frowns, considering] Most of us come from such completely different places that it has to be somewhat random, doesn't it? But you're right--although it's not even as simple as that. [pauses, not quite sure what to say] Do you know anyone here that there's something a little...off about? Like, they're not exactly the same person you knew?


dawnward October 9 2008, 03:13:53 UTC

Yes. I've talked to at least one person like that. He...looks exactly like someone I know. Someone who's already here.

I'm not sure what that means.


oliverplus October 9 2008, 20:57:34 UTC
[quiet, sympathetic] I heard about the person who's here twice. I wish I had some sort of answer, but according to the best authority I know, that sort of thing shouldn't even be possible.

My problem's a little different. [pauses, thinking about what to say] I told you I knew the Doctor and the TARDIS, and I do. Except not the ones who are here. Somehow...they're from the future. My future, anyway--years and years after they used to know me. But I was just with the Doctor when I wound up here!

I think whoever's doing this must be pretty powerful to be pulling people out of all sorts of different places and even times. I just wish we could figure out who or even why.


ooc; this is what i meant about backtagging 8D; dawnward October 10 2008, 17:33:36 UTC
[it's taking a little effort to talk about this, but it's not like Oliver would tell anyone, right?] I don't know what to do about it. It's just not possible and this other person...there's two of someone I know, and neither of them are exactly how I remember. [shakes his head, going back to business]

So they're from the future? That might say something about what's happening here. I'm just don't know what.

Could it really be a person?


Re: ooc; got it! thanks :D oliverplus October 10 2008, 20:57:39 UTC
[frowns for a moment, considering] That's gotta be tough to deal with. It's...confusing, isn't it? [hesitates, not sure how much he should open up, but if anyone is going to understand, it sounds like Riku might] I wish the proper Doctor were here--the one I know, I mean. I know the Doctor is here, and I'm grateful, but...it's not the same. So...I think I know what you mean, a little. I want to be around the Doctor because he's familiar, but he also reminds me of what I've left behind.

They're from the future to me. To them, I'd be from the past. I'm not sure what that means or what time we're even in right now. Don't get me wrong--time travel messes happen all the time around the Doctor. But this seems like something more than that.

A person, an alien, some sort of entity or machine... There's always something, somewhere causing it. Once we figure out what, we can do something about it.


dawnward October 11 2008, 01:16:25 UTC
[...weird how Oliver suddenly has a way of saying exactly what Riku feels when Riku doesn't want to say or admit it himself] ...yes, it's like that.

So maybe the Doctor might have experienced something similar that might give us a clue as to what's going on?

I'd be more inclined to believe that it was an entity or a machine. People usually like to gloat their accomplishments, but the captain doesn't even act like he knows we're really here.


oliverplus October 11 2008, 01:23:53 UTC
[nods in understanding] I just hope it'll get better as I get to know this Doctor more. Maybe that will make it...less weird. And hey, we've gotta get out of here eventually! The Doctor didn't lose me to this ship. As it is, I have some sort of future I still have to live.

Yeah, I think the Doctor's our best bet for information. He doesn't seem to have figured out anything yet, but when he does, trust me, he'll let us know.

You've got a good point. But there are so many different beings in the universe, that really doesn't narrow it down much... [sighs, frustrated] If we could just talk to this captain! He has to know way more than he's saying.


dawnward October 11 2008, 02:03:37 UTC
[the future bit makes Riku look away briefly, but whatever he's thinking he's too polite to say] Yeah, I'd like to leave, too. I can't help but think that none of this means anything good.

I'll show him the information I've gathered the next time I see him. There's not much else to do, anyway. I don't trust any of the 'entertainments' this place offers.

He never takes off his helmet. Why even have a helmet, inside the ship? That implies he doesn't want us to know who he is.


oliverplus October 11 2008, 03:19:18 UTC
I think everyone has something they want to get back to. And if this ship--or, whatever's controlling it--just keeps taking people...I don't see how it could be good.

But don't be that way! I mean, if we're stuck here, why hole ourselves up the whole time? We should go see a movie or something!

You're probably right. [frowns] Maybe the person we're seeing isn't even the captain.


dawnward October 11 2008, 04:02:47 UTC
Then we need to figure this out as quickly as possible.

...a movie? [just looks at him, surprised, completely distracted from his questions about the captain]


oliverplus October 11 2008, 13:45:52 UTC
Definitely! The only problem is how to do that...

Yeah, why not? I know we're in a hurry, but you can't work all day. And you look like you might, if no one stopped you. [grins]


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