Nov 19, 2009 16:11
I'm back.
Overall it was a pretty short walk, this morning in particular was a very easy stretch (14km with almost no hills), so I arrived in Northcliffe at about 10:15am (I also left the hut pretty early).
A total of 55km, so only just over half the distance of my last walk (which I think was 104km), in 3 days.
Some random observations from the trip:
The new Bunbury Highway was very good, I drove to Northcliffe and back without putting any petrol in the car and the fuel light isn't even on yet. Bypassing Mandurah also saved some time, but difficult to judge exactly given that last time I drove to Pemberton I left Perth at 4am.
I discovered in Northcliffe that one of my water bottles was leaking. I remedied this by buying 1.5L of bottled water in Pemberton.
I felt a little more tired than previously, particularly on day 1. My two working theories are either my lingering cold or donating blood last week may have had some effect. Not a major drama anyway, and today I felt much better (although as above it was a very easy walk).
Despite what the forecast for Tuesday said, the rain that fell at around 1:20pm near Pemberton does not qualify as "showers". I was absolutely drenched for the rest of the day.
Wearing sock liners seemed to be effective, no real blisters to speak of.
Next walk planned for July next year, thinking possibly Denmark to Walpole, but I'll figure that out nearer the time. I still have a bunch of walking to do near the northern terminus so it might be worth trying to get something done near Dwellingup
bibbulmun track