Birthday invite

Jul 11, 2009 14:07

This Saturday (the 18th) I turn 31. Yay Mersenne Primes!

To celebrate, I will be having dinner at Utopia, followed by games at my house (until whenever we finish). Dinner will be starting at 6:30, and we'll probably head back to Nedlands around 8pm (if people want to be there for games but not dinner I can sms you when we leave, let me know).

Planned games include Taboo, Set (even though paperishcup is already busy), Apples to Apples, Race For the Galaxy, and anything else that people bring that looks fun (please bring fun games if you have them and want to play them, or even if you don't mind other people playing them).

All are welcome, but RSVP is requested for people coming to dinner.
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