Feb 09, 2005 11:25
okay! so this afternoon i am off to sign the lease for my very own studio apartment in downtown lansing! this is pretty exciting stuff. at least for me. i am totally looking forward to having my OWN space and putting things where i want them and just living on my own. it makes me feel more...i don't know. not older, but just more...stable or substantial or something. anyways, it feels pretty cool. it's in a fabulous area, and by fabulous i mean not completely crime ridden or drug lord-esque. the house itself is nothing fantastic, but it's certainly not awful. and the houses all around it are pretty cute and some of them are even like old historic looking cool buildings. and on the inside it's totally nice. it's clean and big enough for little old me, and perfectly live-able. also, it's like 5 houses away from wendy and erica, who i like, and just a few blocks from the boys' house, who i also like. if only rutt still lived downtown, it'd be fab. ;-) anyways, i'm real excited, so you should be too.
in other news, my job sucks, and i don't earn any money. suck. so, today, since they have unexpectedly given me the day off because they are too dead to need me, i am using my free day to look for other employment. employment which might actually earn me some rent.
also, caity and lisa and i might get together for some alias-ing again this evening, which would be great, cuz i like those two. also i like alias, which is getting good again. hey, don't mock me till you've tried it yourself, cuz it's pretty darn addicting. just ask jared...