EF EF EF meme

Jul 26, 2011 17:27

Where are you staying?
Maritim hotel

What day are you getting there?
Wednesday afternoon

Who will you be with?
My Roomie is Riffuchs :o

Who will you hang out with during the convention?
I guess I will hang out with the same people I hang out in Beriln. XD AlectorFencer, Kebi, AmurUssuri but I dont know. Im to shy to speak free to other people XD

Are there any panels you might be attending?
Panel? hmm 1 i guess and maybe there is something on it XD

Are you attending any stage or public performances?
No :p

Will you be suiting?

Which suit(s) will you be bringing?
NO??? XD

Do you do free art?
Only if I get something free XD

What is your gender?

How old are you?
28 old years. Old fox is old

How tall are you?
168 and not only old but also small :O Thats why I am a Kitfox :D

Are you taken? Are you looking for a 'mate'?
SingleFox is Single but looking for a girl. Dunno if a con is the right place for that ...

Can I talk to you?
Sure, in german and englisch. Well my englisch in this case is TERRIBLE. I cant speak it very good.

Can I touch you?
If I don't know you - no!
If you are female - yes? XD

How can I find you?
I guess im in the dealers den and where art is :O

Can I visit your room?

Can I buy you drinks?

Can I give you stuff?
Only if it does not stuff me >XD

Can I hug or snuggle with you?
A hug is ok, if you're no stinky weirdo.
Snuggle - female? XD

Are you nice?
Im a cheeky lil kitfox :O DEINE MUDDER!!! but im shy too <-<

How long are you going?
Sunday, around noon.

Do you have an artist table?
Yes, next to AlectorFencer and I sell prints I hope :O

Do you have prints/CDs?
Prints? ^^ With my strange pictures :O

Will you have art in the Art Show? General or Adult sections?
I hope so

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Gimme all your money cause Im Mabaker. Put your hands up in the air.
Attention? hmm Say hi? XD

Where will you be most of the time during the days?
I guess behind the Dealers Den Desk and in the afternoon together with nice people I hope. :D

What/where will you be eating?
FastFood ... The one time in the year I do that :O As long as it does not cost so much XD

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Sure :O As long as I am not the food ;I

Can I look in your sketchbook?
Just ask. :O

Can I draw in your sketchbook?
I NEED MORE PICTURES .... Its so empty :O
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