Две левые руки красивой Реннут и кресло с винтами.

Oct 11, 2015 15:04

Оригинал взят у aldanov в Две левые руки красивой Реннут и кресло с винтами.

Фрагмент стелы врача и писца Амунхотепа с женой Реннут. 19 династия. Музей Толедо в Огайо, США

Amunhotep, Royal Scribe.
Limestone with paint, about 1250 B.C.
Egyptian, Dynasty 19 (1295-1186 B.C.)
From the Tomb Chapel of Amunhotep at Deir Derunka, the necropolis of Asyut.
Amunhotep, the Kings scribe and chief physician, is shown seated on a costly lion-footed chair. His wife, the lady of the house, Rennut, kneels beside him.
They wear robes of sheer, fnely pleated linen and elaborate wigs that were fashionable at the time of king Ramses II (ruled 1279-1213 B.C.) Rennut inhales the scent of of blue lotus, symbol of the daily rebirth of the sun.
Amunhotep accepts offerings of bread (stacked vertically on the table) and prayers from a preast, wearing his ritual cheetah skin and braided lock of hair.
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio, USA.

искусство, история

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