Meme time-unsurprising result

Jul 19, 2011 08:43

Which My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic pony are you?

Twilight Sparkle
An all-round goodie, you're noble at heart and strict about following morals. Your intellect surpasses the common pony; you have a great eagerness to learn more and fill your mind with knowledge. While you can sometimes be labelled as a "smarty pants", you always keep true to yourself and would much prefer to stay your brilliantly-brainy self than become someone you're not. A lot of people would consider you an excellent role model; not just because of your intelligence, but because you're also so genuine and virtuous.

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In other news, Luci continues to do fairly well, losing a bit more fur gradually but still happy and energetic. Not long now until her next double Lupron dose.
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