Lost (no spoilers)

Feb 01, 2008 23:52

Alright, so lost premiered season four yesterday, and apparently we're getting eight episodes this year, due to the writer's desire to get paid when people watch things they've written (i know, right, how selfish is that?). It was great, as it usually is, but it got me thinking about things, namely, Lost v Heroes.

Lost is a three year old show with a big cast, a huge overarching multi-season main plot full of twists and turns and secrets and red herrings and tons of little subplots, told both from the present time, and through flashbacks which reveal important details about the characters. It's widely regarded as having some of the best actors in dramatic television.

Heroes is a year and a half old show with a big cast, a large overreaching season-long main plot with lots of twists and turns and batches of little subplots. Oh, and everyone has powers. Until recently they were all individual, unique powers.

Lost v Heroes is weird, though. I think I have to say that Lost is the superior show, particularly after this season of Heroes. Heroes has some good stuff (plus i love superheroes), and Lost has episodes that just DON'T GO ANYWHERE. But Lost is just so good in so many ways that are important, primarily: characters. I've found that when you have great characters, it doesn't matter what they're doing, I'm going to like the ride. And there are some great characters on Lost (Primarily John Locke, Ben, Desmond, Mr. Eko, Jin, Sun and Charlie). Plus, Lost is essentially a big string of comic book characters. (Jack is Superman, he wakes up and saves like eight people. Locke is Batman, he's dark and mysterious and is a prime physical specimen - he's the hunter, the man who knows how to survive in any situation, Boone is Jason Todd, Batman's sidekick who was killed, Sawyer is Gambit, the thief and conman, Jack/Kate/Sawyer have the Scott/Jean/Logan triangle going on with the two different alpha male types, etc, etc).

And Heroes has some really good, great characters, too. Mr Bennet, Peter and Nathan Petrelli, Hiro, almost all of the last generation, I even really liked Isaac (before he got clean). But some of them are so....eh. Claire, Nicci, Micah, Parkman/Mohinder, ehhhh. Infact, yeah, screw the kids, all of them. And I kinda like parkman now that power is corrupting him a little. But that's totally why I love Nathan, because of his capability to be a villain.

Ok, so I think the thing i like best about Heroes is prolly the thing that gets me angriest about heroes: The fact that it's essentially a comic book. I know a lot of shit about comics, and everytime I come up with something i think is brilliant, and in Heroes it turns out that it's nothing like that at all, it's something very basic and obvious, I get really pissed off at Heroes. I had such big big ideas about Hiro and Kaito Nakamura and the legend of Taekezo Kensai, and not only did none of them come to pass, what actually happened was lame and simple. Even when what just happened made my idea completely bullshit, I came up with another cool one that was eventually revealed to be bullshit. And I came to a startling conclusion: Heroes was getting lame. the fact that the writers took off halfway though the season didnt help. But then I remembered that I thought the first half of the first season of heroes was lame.

Lost has lame moments too, sometime entire lame episodes, sometimes when I tune in and it's another goddamn jack or kate flashback i just dont care, but then Locke throws a knife into someone's face and I get all excited again. But Heroes just makes me mad, because it could be so so great, but at the end of the day Tim Kring still doesn't know shit about comic books.
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