So everybody's excited about the new harry potter movie. Lots of people I know have seen it, and apparently it's the best of the bunch. It kinda makes me want to like harry potter more than I do, so I could dig going to see it, and being excited about harry getting into some kind of trouble because the school wants to stop him from trying to (
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i'm speaking of the regular trilogy, of course.
but even in the prequels, where the one really annoying character gets better in the second movie, and great in the third one, the other really annoying character has three lines in the second one and dick in the third, and the other really annoying character just gets grumpier and grumpier, but he's still just the one annoying character, instead of the EVERY FUCKING PERSON EVER.
although the shittastic names and cluster-fuck of computer effects are of an annoyance at least equal with the shitty psuedo-latin and broomsticks. hell, i'll take a douchebag in a space ship over many douchebags on broomsticks anyday.
My point is that JKR ripped off George Lucas for character archetypes. The fact that he opted for space ships instead of broomsticks is pure serendipity.
well, seeing as lucas ripped off every myth writer ever, i'd say its fair game. but lucas wrote star wars specifically following the archetypal hero's journey, and rowling wanted to create something new, which she didn't, even if legions of 12 year old girls scream that she did something so totally original.
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