May 08, 2006 11:40
If there's one thing i enjoy, it's working a phils game while some friends are at the ballpark too.
Cause then I can say, "nyah, nyah, i had a better view than you"
And they can say, "Oh yeah? You sure about that?"
And I can say, "Totally."
And they can say, "Oh really? cause I had kickass seats on the first level halfway up, right behind the phils' dugout. Where were you?"
And I can say, "oh, you didn't see me? I was the guy with the long hair, inside the phils' dugout."
And they can say, "Blow me, jackass, you don't even LIKE baseball."
I love my friends
PS: Kim, i hope you know that i appreciate you not giving me the above conversation, unlike some people i could mention