As some of you know I just got back from a rather adventures...adventure in LA with Mr. Owens. There were highlights and lowlights along the path, but a good time outta town. The purpose of this post is to let you know basically that I'm catching up on back posts of all yall, so if I commented on a past post far far away, you'll know why.
Highlights (in no particular order):
-Going to Coranado Beach and eating at Del Cornado
-Driving around LA in a red! Solaries convertible
-Seeing "The Simpsons Movie" (yes, we went to movies, it was our vacation)
-Going to Belmont Park and Sean dropping both his phone and sunglasses out of his pocket while upside-down on "Chaos", riding "The Giant Dipper" until I was almost sick, and winning Wilburtross via skee-ball
- Eating at the Farmer's Market and staying at The Farmer's Daughter Hotel
-Visiting the Museum of Jurassic Technology
Lowlights (no order):
-Losing my wallet on the light down and staying in LA for a week sans Bank card/License
-Trying to look for Belmont Park and getting stuck in going to Sea World
-Getting lost dozens of time on the freeway cause it's fucking So Cal
-Having to show up at the airport two hours early because of said missing license and having same flight delayed due to fog, there by staying at the airport a total of 6+ hours and getting home around 1:30 in the morning.
I'm pretty sure there were other things along, but I can't remember.