I really love to-do lists. I have them everywhere ever since I started using a sticky pad. There's something oddly satisfying about crossing off each item when it is complete. It's only fitting that my resolutions would also double as a list of items I would like to finish this year. I think this is a fair mixture of personal improvements and accomplishments.
1. Write a letter, send a birthday card, etc. one time a week (difficulty, does not include postcards or Christmas cards)
2. Read a book at least once a month
3. Finish the NRoL4W weight training program
4. Crochet 5 items (and perhaps finish a couple of current projects)
5. Put together a wedding scrapbook
6. Put together an Alaskan vacation scrapbook
7. Remodel the pink bathroom
8. Lose 20 pounds
9. Stop cursing so much
10. Finish my current supply of stash tea so I can order more
11. Spend less time on the internet
12. Ride my bicycle 25, 50, 75 and 100 miles at a time
13. Be nicer to Andrew ;)
14. Take better photos - reduce quantity and increase quality
15. Donate to charity once a month
16. Spend one weekend a month at home
17. Purge, purge, purge more junk from the house
18. Walk, bike, or treadmill at least 600 miles (1.25 down, 598.75 to go!)
19. Watch less cable tv and more movies from netflix without increasing overall time in front of the boob tube
20. Plan trips to Wisconsin, Germany, North Caroline, Maine, Georgia and various other weekend getaways without breaking the bank
So, what do you think? The last time I wrote a
list like this, I didn't get very far. In fact, many of those little projects still remain on my radar. I'll try to post each time I succeed at one of my items.