
Jul 13, 2010 19:06

These days I've been so bored i actually started playing Maplestory again after quitting for like 4 years. =.='' Since i'm too lazy to type in full sentences, bullet points are the best thing ever.
  • Maybe G1 on Friday...(I could've taken the test last year but stupid the stupid strike! >=/)
  • Wth is going on with my school. My report card never came...! I don't owe them any money nor did i fail anything. Even if i did, i should still be able to get my report card. =.='
  • G.NA's debut album is awesome =]
  • Waiting for more epis of Infinite's You are My Oppa with subs to come out
  • Need to finish Hi My Sweetheart
  • I've been re-watching Yu Yu Hakusho. Again.

anime, dramas, bullet points, debut, life, school

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