omg, a update?

May 04, 2010 18:59

i thought i should post since i've been like mia for so long, rofl.
well, i thought a nice little update would be posting that picture of my pig-rabbit to show off.

i was suppose to be in this multi-cultural show at my school. the best thing was the cute guy i've mentioned a few times before was part of the group i'm presenting with. in total, we had 10 people and we were gonna dance to a mashup of 3 diff korean songs including, sorry sorry, lollipop 1 and TTL. ya, these songs are sorta old but i didn't pick them so don't blame me. XD anyways, after practicing for like weeks...the teacher who's supervising the show told us that there's too many people in our group yesterday. she prefers 6 but she'll take 8 people is what she said. the decision was either to keep 2 of the 'newer' people(which includes friend1, friend2, me and my partner) or stick with the original 6 people who auditioned first. Friend 1 is considered the 'leader' since she formed the group so she's still in the group. Friend2 is friend1's partner so she stayed too. Hence, my partner and i ended up not being in this anymore.  Don't get me wrong, i'm not angry or anything with their decision but i'm just a little disappointed that all my effort went down the drain. =/ In addition, i have to waste my money to buy a ticket while i would've gotten in for free before. Worst of all, less time to spend with that cute guy! T^T (well, i can still watch them practice whenever i want to, in fact, they all told me to but i got lazy today but still) On the other hand, i'm glad they didn't keep my partner and i since we were the most chill about this thing. I think friend1 would've gotten mad and friend 2 would've teared if they got eliminated.

i think my group actually had it easier compared to this other girl. there was this chinese girl who wanted to sing rihanna's umbrella but she had a really thick accent. we heard the teacher say she can't be in the show mostly cause of that. the teacher said "we can't really hear what you are saying" and so the girl said she can sing another song. I think the teacher was trying to break it to her in a nice way but it didn't work out so well, mostly cause she said "i dont' think that would help. we all probably know what the outcome would be already." Ouch. I felt so bad for that girl...especially when i saw her tearing up while she was leaving. ><" Ironically enough, the teacher is chinese. =X

P.S. i have a logical reason to be listening to folk songs.

life, school, picture, rant

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