We still haven't brought ourselves to do a date night. To tell you the truth, we haven't even been to a restaurant together with koliko since this funny incident when he was a mere six months old
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We haven't had a "date night" with just the two of us yet. We just had a dinner at home on Wed. with the two of us at the table. It felt weird. The kids were taking a late nap.
We did a "date lunch" about 4 times when L. was at the daycare. We haven't been outside of the house together childless since A. was born. I don't miss time alone with M. I miss my time alone. And time with friends and no children around. But I don't miss it enough to do anything about it ;)
That's actually what I suggested to Lioshka - to play hooky and go to the museum during work hours. I knew I would feel no guilt then whatsoever. Go figure. Some strong work ethic I have.
Strangely, I don't feel deprived of me-time. Actually, I never felt deprived of quality time with Lioshka either until Saturday. It was just such a different feeling to be alone, not waiting for Kolya to wake up or cry, or this or that. And to be out. It was completely different than our time alone at home.
I got plenty of *me* and internet time at work :) I really miss the internet. And co-workers. But that's a whole 'nother story.
I lied about no date nights. We did go out when M. dad was here (I didn't enjoy that one much) and then when my mom was here a year later while Lydia slept. But I enjoyed getting out to see Jerry Seinfeld with Val much more than any of our "date nights". Not to mention my reunion weekend...
Anyway. People are looking over my shoulder, can't type anymore.
What added to the guilty feeling was also the fact that we were burdening my mother-in-law. She gets really tired during the week already, so I am always against having her watch Kolya during on weekends. Lioshka doesn't think it's a big deal, but to me it is.
We did a "date lunch" about 4 times when L. was at the daycare. We haven't been outside of the house together childless since A. was born. I don't miss time alone with M. I miss my time alone. And time with friends and no children around. But I don't miss it enough to do anything about it ;)
Strangely, I don't feel deprived of me-time. Actually, I never felt deprived of quality time with Lioshka either until Saturday. It was just such a different feeling to be alone, not waiting for Kolya to wake up or cry, or this or that. And to be out. It was completely different than our time alone at home.
I lied about no date nights. We did go out when M. dad was here (I didn't enjoy that one much) and then when my mom was here a year later while Lydia slept. But I enjoyed getting out to see Jerry Seinfeld with Val much more than any of our "date nights". Not to mention my reunion weekend...
Anyway. People are looking over my shoulder, can't type anymore.
And YES, SHOES FIT!!!! Thank you!
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